True if no one liked you she didnt either she was nasty to some people. It wasnt so much how you dressed, or how much money your family had, it was on how you acted.. Our Gymn Teacher was impressed on how a lot of us girls got along, only time we bickered is when we played Soccer We were a family.. We all are mental ill and could snap in a minute, so be good for yourself and others. So I can tell you kids in these upper class schools are not angels and theyre raised not to be by their parents, who were the same way when they were in school. Im sorry but I disagree. Berit and Bob Costas live in Hawaii. Did you know the other 2 girls that were accused? We are no longer in the 80 s and never will be again. Wherever the group went, they were noticed. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2 & 9 Other Video Games That Make You Feel Like A Frontiersman This poor girl never got to grow up and experience life all because some horrible, disturbed girl murdered her. Protti didnt get a short sentence because she claimed to have been picked on. She wont tell where shes at, cause to many people have it out for her cause of her past. she threatened to tell everyone at school the next day, she didnt tell Alex Arnold ( the Man who drove her home) again it was to insane he probaly would of freaked and she didnt want to scare him with the details. So she didnt like Joanna or Nancy, she isnt Obligated to, or owe them anything. I agree with Karen, you cant prove Kirsten bullied Bernadette. She had her whole life ahead of her, even if she was a smart aleck she would of grown out of it long before now. So RuPaul,Kelly and Sarah, you all need to get facts before you say Kirsten got what she deserved. Even if she was, no right to murder her. Those bullied girls like I said were loose or cussed and smoked and (dressed roughly).. LOL. If it hadnt of been Kirsten, itd been her childhood friend, or someone else, cause Bern has Jealousy Issues. Find out more here. So sad her life was shortened. The reason why Bernadette killed Kirsten is because Kirsten didnt appreciated the fact that she was lured out of her house under the pretence of a Bobbies sorority initiation dinner by someone she wasnt friends or even acquaintances with. Completely agree with you Midwest Jimmy. Mira note ran a lot of girls out from what I read. Angela Delvecchio is a family nurse practitioner in Bar Harbor, Maine. Most Cheerleaders are friendly, but kind of Stuck up as well, and picky about thier friends. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. She fit it fine and was considered to be popular in her own way. Why are you victim shaming ? To the fellow classmates of 1986 Miramonte, so sorry if your World crumbled cause it wasnt meant to be that way, but you got to know that it was t any picnic for Bernadette as well, and if she could set time back and do all over, she would of left the situation with Kirsten alone to start with. Youre not looking at that Situation. Admin Garret. A few more saying they didnt fit in and refuses to come to Reunions, I say you dont want to come then dont. There are more murders in american continent than in Europe and its not in the time of war. Poor bernadette seemed very vulnerable and in need of help. lmao. This whole story is just disgusting. We had honor students who were kind of poor, but we loved them, and learned from them. Backyard Baseball: Rating The 10 Best Players - ScreenRant I seen a few of them out and about. As for knowing her Personally I didnt, I know someone who did, she was Bubbly and full of Jokes and Laughs. You all sound a bit like the people you are gossiping about. So start the story there. She wanted to, but decided not to go through with it. How is sweet referred to Murder? Remember teen girls will be teen girls, and they grow out of caddiness when they get older, but Kirsten never got that chance so so horrible. Angela Delvecchio now lives in Portland, Oregon, with her husband and kid. The 2nd version of Death of a Cheerleader is more like Kirsten to a degree. Any more update regarding Bernadette and the family members of both girls? Most teen girls are snippy, Im sure you girls who had a bad experience were to, in fact one she was worse than anyone she was a (bully) and when the tables turned on her she couldnt deal with it and left Miramonte. Whoever remotely tries to justify that must not have children. So glad you think shes nice. I think Bernadette was a lesbian thats why she felt she couldnt have Kirsten tell everyone that she fancied her. Kirsten was SelfAbsorbed not mean and bullish. Only talked to her once or twice ever. You need help. Kirsten didnt like (stupidity). Youre the same one I bet. No matter if she was cocky or snobby; irrelevant. It was full of middle class and upper- middle class families. She didnt bully Bernadette either. 10 Awesome Facts You Need To Know About The Lifetime Film, A Friend To I think Miramonte was like any School, you have your cliques and picks. All. Yes, the movie showed Kirstan being extremely mean. Home Faculty and Staff Directory All Faculty Angela J Delvecchio. I would love to hear Bernadette being interviewed now about that tragic night in suburban Oakland. I am really stunned that she only spent 8 years in jail. For what? Anyone who defends her and likes her is a Pathetic Loser also. She had a sort of ombre style in fact which was kind of weird in the 80s, but cutting edge. Here are some less-known facts about the show and actual crime. I heard Bernadette was Snobbish also as well. Yes at times maybe she was Snippy, but were teens, who isnt! So people got the wrong view of her saying she was a Bully. She only had certain friends. Bernadette was snotty to. She wasnt a fan of ( stupidity) by any means at all. Im not arguing with and dont mean to appear hostile and wouldnt have bothered replying until I read that you are suggesting that you all (which I suppose includes me) sound like the people you are gossiping about. Everything is Me! Also there Was another girl who went out with the football team and accused them all of raping her, not the entire team, but several players and I hear she was ran out as well and dogged by the Students. Menu. [citation needed], The Costas family left Orinda and moved to Hawaii in 1986.[8]. Yes. I was wondering why she was so pro-Bernadette. MDI Hospital: Angela DelVecchio, APRN, FNP I still have nightmares of many girlfriends ignoring me, making fun of me and being just vicious. This will always be a tragic story that will never be forgotten, I certainly never wanted that to happen to Kirsten or anyone,she was a daughter, sister and friend to many. Her sister at the bank dont discuss Bernadette, or discloses her whereabouts, she just says Bernadette dont wish to be located by former classmates, friends or co workers, she has a very private life now and wants to be left alone. Angela Delvecchio-Hall | Facebook One was transferred there because of problems with boys. Heres what I think happened, Bernadette wanted Kirstens approval badly cause everyone else had Kirstens approval and Bernadette became dangerously obsessed over the whole deal, and she invited Kirsten out that night to make friends, and I think she said something to her that went horribly wrong to Kirsten, like make a clumsy pass at her and it terrified Kirsten, and Kirsten threatened to expose it to everyone, and Bernadette just freaked out and it possible she just found the knife by chance and got scared that a secret was going to be revealed, so she went to scare her, and maybe she didnt mean to kill her, but she meant to harm her (thats a fact). She may live a Quiet life, but she is still a Killer. Was Kirsten a smart aleck , dont know but tell me a teen girl who isnt! "Well, let's just say if I left 15 years ago, the landscape of Mexican cinema would be very different today!" Cecilia Monroe was a woman who believed in herself. I forgive her to a degree, but wont accept what she did to Kirsten, she will live with that the rest of her life. Where are you getting she had no friends and was bullied. The bullying, the lies, the jealousy and competition is so toxic and they will murder your soul. Would you say the same if Bernadette did suicide? Maybe they were all misunderstood. The 90210 star had also worked with Marley Shelton before, who played Jamie Hall in the 1996 movie,Scream. I dont care how old your comment is, I just have to reply to that bullst. Basically ,she liked everybody. We need an Memorial Page set up for Kirsten. Theres no excuse for murder. Kirstens family and Berns family were both Well off, Bern lived in a Richer part. Angela J Delvecchio | University of Michigan School of Nursing You are bullying a dead teenage girl by deliberately and knowingly perpetuating lies about her because you appear to identify with Angela Delvecchio in Death of a Cheerleader ( a character that doesnt exist and is not a real representation of what Bernadette Protti was like). This girl lives in San Francisco and knows a person who knows someone who knew Kirsten. I know a gal who knew someone who knew Kirsten. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Kristen was a total bully, just horrible. Bernadette Protti is believed to have changed her name, gotten married (causing her last name to change again), and became a nurse and medical journal author in suburban Dallas (Grapevine TX). Senseless. It has her sister cutting vegetables with a ridiculously long knife too, and Kirstens parents were right who cuts up vegetables with a knife that long that they keep in the car? Check your Stories and facts before you post Nonsense. Attractive and hard-working, they fit easily into their new neighborhood. If shed been bullied by Kirsten, seems like shed have told it in detail. Talking peoples business again, McDonald may not like her name being used. I was a 1985 highschool graduate.i had skipped a grade so my classmates were more mature physically and socially. If Bernadette hadnt of lied under false pretense she wouldnt of been so mad at her. Angela Delvecchio Death Of A Cheerleader - Blogger She acted like Kirsten except Kirsten was (more funny). Kirsten was, and classmates mostly said she was a free fun spirit with a big heart and love for life. The title was used in the UK and on Lifetime TV after its original NBC premiere. Who knows what was true or not. i dont want to hear poor bernadette was bullied no she had mental issues. So thats not bullying, thats rejecting you, cause she knew Bern was off beat. But this is just my opinion, dont come after me :/. I hear Bernadette is depressed a lot these days. I think she wanted to be part of the elite click. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family?.